The symbols in the movie titled W imię… of Małgorzata Szumowska in the perspective of kerygmatic interpretation
priest, symbol, kerygma, kerygmatic interpretationAbstract
The kerygmatic interpretation of movies is a relatively new way of film interpretation. For the last few years it has been developing in association with the long-known interpretation of literature as a broadening of the art of interpretation by theological and religious discourse. The article explains the principles of kerygmatic interpretation. According to these rules, the author interprets Małgorzata Szumowska’s film In the name of…, whilst analyzing the films symbolism in the context of plot, literary and art allusions.
In the name of… (W imię…), directed by Małgorzata Szumowska and released in 2013, has been one of the most acclaimed films of the past few years. It received, among others, Silver Lions in Gdynia, an award for the best directing and a best actor award for Andrzej Chyra, however the premiere caused much controversy. For some, the film was “anticlerical,” “one-sided,” “meager,” whilst for others it was the most interesting film at the Berlin Festival.
In the article, the author also focuses on the role of the priest in the film, which seems to be a breakthrough in the portrayal of priests in modern Polish cinema. The conclusions stemming from the interpretation of the film are presented in the context of general thoughts concerning the roles of priests in Polish cinema.
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