Louis Lavelle and the problems of Postmodernity


  • Władysław Zuziak Pontificia Unversidad Juan Pablo II de Cracovia




Being, existence, values, postmodernity, philosophy of spirit, Louis Lavelle


The article presents and analyses the philosophical thought of Louis Lavelle, a representative of the French “Philosophy of Spirit” and a precursor of the philosophy of being. The ideas of Louis Lavelle are confronted and compared with the thought of M. Heidegger or J.-P. Sartre, as well as with the theses of postmodern thinkers, such as M. Foucault and R. Rorty. While all these philosophers reject the Enlightenment domination of Reason, the distinguishing feature of Lavelle’s philosophy is an optimistic vision of human participation in the dynamic being which constitutes the highest value.
In the paper it is indicated that the axiology of Louis Lavelle might be a major contribution to the contemporary philosophical discourse. The affirmation of being, which is the basis of his axiology and metaphysics, opens new perspectives for the development of human beings and for the appreciation of values in individual life and within the society. This conception might be a good starting point for refuting the postmodern diagnosis and for developing a new axiology based on the participation in dynamic being, which is a foundation for all values.


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