The influence of Balthasar’s thought on Tischner’s interpretationof the problem of God’s intratrinitarian freedom
finite-human freedom, infinite-divine freedom, intratrinitarian relations, Tischner, BalthasarAbstract
The article examines the problem of the influence of Balthasar’s thought on the dynamics of Tischner’s reflection on the issue of the intratrinitarian freedom of God and the consequences for human freedom related to this subject. Using the method of comparative analysis of the contribution of both authors and taking into account the chronology of their publications, specific time frames and specific substantive premises are established that affected significant changes in Tischner's perception of the issue of God’s freedom. Tischner’s interpretation of Balthasar's concepts of infinite and finite freedom is also thoroughly analyzed. Both similarities and significant differences in the approaches of both authors are shown, especially in the context of the ontological and agathological approach to this subject. The work is concluded with an analysis of the apology, carried out consistently by both authors, of Christian vision of human freedom, originating and immersed in the freedom of God, in the confrontation with the Enlightenment-atheistic model of absolutized human freedom, in which, exactly due to the lack of the relationship with God, freedom gradually deteriorates and consequently undergoes annihilation.
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