Is it possible to find a constructive solution in relation to the anomalous incardination (can. 701 CIC/83)?


  • Przemysław Michowicz Kraków



cleric, dismissal, incardination, excardination, secondary incardination, lacuna legis


The main goal of this article is to find a constructive legal solution after incardinatio abnormis arose as a result of a legal dismissal of the member of the clerical religious Institute. By virtue of a legal dismissal decree, the punished religious-cleric looses a proper canonical status of being consecrated. The author discusses the meaning of the legal dismissal in the Code of Canon Law of 1983. Emphasis is placed on the consequences and circumstances of this act; especially in order to address the problem of incardination of a religious-cleric who was punished with a dismissal. Dimissio modo iure praescripto automatically excardinates from the religious Institute, however without any guarantee or a subjective right or faculty given to the punished cleric in order to be eligible to be incardinated to another ecclesial community according to the can. 265 CIC/83.


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