The theological foundations of the General Decree of the Polish Episcopate Conference of March 13, 2018, on the protection of individuals in relation to the processing of personal data in the Catholic Church


  • Małgorzata Chojara-Sobiecka Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



personal data protection, human dignity, freedom of the Church, the right to privacy


The actual and legal-doctrinal legitimacy of constructing a legal norm is an important issue in every legal order. The more important it becomes to determine them when they belong to the inner reality of the Church. Currently, in secular law, regulations regarding the personal data protection have become an issue requiring the attention of various entities, including religious associations. In 2018, the Catholic Church in Poland, as a respond to this situation and to the current needs of the faithful, issued a Decree regulating the protection of personal data in the Church. This decree is part of the canon law system.
Canon law is strongly related to theology. It regulates the life of the faithful, which in every area is an important manifestation of the principles of faith. The theological dimension of the foundations of the Decree can be clearly seen in the following: 1) the legislator is also a teacher of faith, 2) the concern of the legislator is human dignity, 3) the Decree cares for the freedom and independence of the Church, 4) the Decree protects the right to privacy.
Thus, the Decree has solid theological foundations and goals that must be extracted and which the interpretation of the Decree shall be based on. This is necessary because the wording and text editing of the Decree is defective and raise serious reservations of canonists. As a consequence, it endangers the results of the application of its legal norms. Getting to know the theological foundations can help to make the aforementioned law contribute to the rule salus animarum.


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