An innovative approach to the discipline of the sacraments of Christian initiation in the 1983 Code of Canon Law




baptism, confirmation, Eucharist, Code of Canon Law, innovative approaches to law on the sacraments of Christian initiation


In 2017, the Church celebrated the 100th anniversary of the publication of the first Code of Canon Law, also known as the Pio-Benedictine Code. The year 2003 is associated with another important date – forty years ago the second Code of Canon Law was published, promulgated by Pope John Paul II. The two were separated by sixty-six years during which the former was in force. This study shows the differences in canonical regulations regarding the sacraments of Christian initiation, in terms of novelties introduced in the 1983 code, compared to the previous one. There were quite a few such novelties. The study does not contain the provisions that appeared after the promulgation of the first code and before the promulgation of the second. It is primarily about the extremely rich post-conciliar legislation (after the Second Vatican Council). There are mainly two reasons for this: the analysis of these documents would have to be extremely extensive, due to their large number, and because comparing the two codes directly, one can clearly and distinctly notice the innovative approach to the sacraments in the contemporary church legislator, compared to the solutions from the beginning of the twentieth century.


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