Wykonywanie władzy delegowanej kilku lub wielu osobom (kan. 140–141 KPK)


  • Ginter Dzierżon UKSW



Parole chiave:

Catholic Church, canon law, power, delegation, can. 140–141


In the presented article the author made detailed interpretation of can. 140–141 CIC which concerning power delegated to one or many persons. He pointed out that the rules included in these canons are supposed to guarantee „collision - free” realization of the one’s duties.

The author proved that the dispositions concerning power delegated in solidum and consecutively are not of a nature of an annulling act (can. 140 § 1, 141 CIC). He believes that what the legislator tried to avoid by using such legislative techniques was invalidity of actions taken by other delegated persons.

On the other hand, the directives included in can. 140 § 2 CIC concerning collegial delegation are of a nature of an annulling act. This, however, results not from the content of the canon but rather from the nature of things since a collegiate act is substantially not a sum acts of particular people but a new act.






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