The Bernardine mendicant according to Old Polish sources
medicant, Bernardine, Old Polish sourcesAbstract
The Old Polish image of a Bernardine medicant according to the sources of the time was overshadowed in popular awareness by a character from "Tadeusz", in which the Polish poet presented the work of Rev. Robak in strictly patriotic terms. Meanwhile, the medicant collection of food and money for the monastery was as 'close' to the Christian ministry as the traditional annual round of home calls on parishioners by priests. The collection was clearly not a patriotic activity. The original monastic concept held that monks made their living by working. It was through work that they sustained themselves and supported the poor. In time, new orders (called 'medicant orders') were established; unlike traditional orders, they did not own land, so they worked hard at stimulating the generosity of those who did have real property.
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