Unknown designs from the collection of the Na Piasku Carmelite Monastery in Kraków
altars, designs, patterns, Kraków, 18th centuryAbstract
The article describes five altar designs that were discovered in the Na Piasku Monastery of Calced Carmelites in Kraków. Absence of any information about the origin of the drawings makes it impossible to determine which specific church they were intended for. The discovered drawings can be dated to a period from the beginning of the 18th century to the 1770s. They feature various artistic solutions and were made by different artists. Assuming they were intended for churches in what historically was Małopolska, they significantly increase the number of sketches preserved and published in the literature. One of them is evidently a work of by a German-speaking artist, while the others seem to be the works of guild woodcarvers (or carpenters) or monastic artists. They might have been part of a collection of sketches that could have belonged to Brother Grzegorz Kaczyrek, a Carmelite repeatedly mentioned in the archives of monastery in 1742–70 as the maker (and designer) of retables in the Na Piasku Church.
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