Intellectual humility, or how to combine ignorance with regard to knowledge with certainty regarding the covenant


  • Stanisław Krajewski Uniwersytet Warszawski



Bible, Judaism, truth, orthopraxy, orthodoxy, covenant, atheism, martyrdom, religious law


Moses is presented in the Bible as an incomparably humble man. How is it possible, given that according to the Scripture he had greater capacities and deeper knowledge than anyone else? It is possible if we distinguish “the knowledge about something” form “the knowledge to do something.” Religious truths can be doubted, religious obligations can still be retained. Truth has a universal dimension, obligations can be particular. This approach is helpful in interfaith dialogue, as it makes possible full openness to another tradition. In Judaism orthopraxy is stressed much more than orthodoxy. Even though many elements of the Biblical account may be not literally true, the narrative is rooted in some real events. And it serves as the foundation of the tradition as we know it. In the framework of Judaism it is described as the result of the Covenant with the Creator. It is manifested in religious legislation, always in need of interpretation by experts.

Author Biography

  • Stanisław Krajewski, Uniwersytet Warszawski
    Prof. dr hab. Stanisław Krajewski pracuje w Instytucie Filozofii Uniwersytetu War­szawskiego. Jest przewodniczącym Rady Naukowej tego instytutu. Od ponad ćwierć wieku współprzewodniczy Polskiej Radzie Chrześcijan i Żydów. Współtwórca wystawy głównej w Muzeum Historii Żydów Polskich POLIN. Autor artykułów i książek z zakresu logiki, filozofii matematyki, myśli żydowskiej i dialogu międzyreligijnego.


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