W kierunku indywidualności osoby


  • Stanisław Buda Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Targu



Słowa kluczowe:

individuality, person, self-creation, otherness, responsibility


At the beginning, the author presents some basic intuitions determining the necessity for philosopher’s reflections on not only numerical singularity, but also individuality. Then he considers briefly four selected types of individuality, namely: anything existing, the universe, a person and the Absolute. Nevertheless, for different reasons, in each of these cases it is possible to assume an impossible to fully express entity, that is, individuality. The next part develops the idea of a person’s individuality which stays directly linked with his or her permanent act of self-creation. The essence of the act would lie in a radical distinction between the person and any other human being as well as in generating the own, absolute personal otherness. At more accurate, largely speculative characteristics of this act it turns out to be necessary to redefine such categories like duty, responsibility, trust.

Biogram autora

  • Stanisław Buda - Podhalańska Państwowa Wyższa Szkoła Zawodowa w Nowym Targu

    Stanisław Buda – doktor, pracuje w Podhalańskiej Państwowej Wyższej Szkole Zawodowej w Nowym Targu. Opublikował m.in. Zarys metafizyki absolutności (1999) oraz Filozofowanie jako współstwarzanie (2010). Zainteresowania: metafilozofia, metafizyka, filozofia człowieka, aksjologia.


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