The Other as Another. In the Footsteps of Józef Tischner’s Philosophy of Dialogue


  • Maciej Manikowski Uniwersytet Wrocławski


Słowa kluczowe:

Another, The Other, relation, person, dialogical thought, Tischner


The world is a stage where everything is just a thing, even man. We discover it in an intentional opening. However, if we make a dialogical opening, man is no longer an object, but becomes a subject. Here we meet man as The Other and not as Another, an alien. Where do we encounter him? On the road, at the inn. What is needed? Setting a primal distance and entering into relation, in Martin Buber’s terms, or a dialogical opening and personification, entering into language or speech, according to Józef Tischner. On the road, at the inn where everyone is another, an alien, we become the other.

Biogram autora

  • Maciej Manikowski - Uniwersytet Wrocławski

    Maciej Manikowski, born 1966, philosopher and theologian, professor of philosophy since 2016, specialist in philosophy of dialogue, philosophy of religion, philosophical anthropology and philosophical


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