The library of joy. The art of writing, reading and collecting books
writing, joy, collectingAbstract
This paper is concerned with joy of writing, reading and collecting books. It starts with some terminological remarks about joy and happiness. Then it presents Freud’s enjoyment principle and its place in our mental life. Next it evokes Plato’s myth of the genesis of writings. The paper encapsulates Lacan’s idea of language and its relation to our subjectivity and unconsciousness. It also shows Don Kichote as an exemplum of a man who reads to madness. Subsequently, the paper shows the paradoxical (ambivalent) character of the fascination with texts. It discusses the scenery after the Tower of Babel which is full of admirers of books who are glad of multiplicity and diversity of languages and texts. The author poses the question whether the pleasure resulting from reading and writing is only an empty game. In conclusion, the paper approaches Ricoeur’s idea of a human being as an entity looking for the sense. Sense occurs to be the end we are waiting for. The pleasure of writing and reading is not the goal, but a taste of the sense to appear.References
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