Compelled to solidarity. On moral thinking of Józef Tischner
Solidarity, freedom, hope, axiology, people of hideouts, communityAbstract
The article contains the views of Tischner on the fall of the “Solidarity” movement and at the same time it indicates the possibility of restoring the social ties in the community deprived of solidarity.Among the most important reasons for this fall I am indicating the instrumentalization of the fundamental values on which an axiologically neutral, liberal society is built. The instrumentalization refers to the concept of freedom and to the very notion of solidarity which under the new conditions became synonymous with the struggle for the realization of particular interests.
The disappointment of a large part of society with the Solidarity tradition, appropriated by various interest groups, caused another escape to “hideouts.” The attitudes of people of hideouts are characterized by mistrust and hostility towards others, as well as the inability to establish genuine social relations. The “society of hideouts” cannot function properly, as due to the lack of communication capabilities the only argument may be the argument of force.
Leaving the hideout is only possible by opening up to other people. If we want to develop, we are forced to come out of hideouts and seek solidarity which, thanks to the relationship of reciprocity, would give us support, a sense of agency, would restore a sense of dignity and point to the common good.
According to Tischner, in order to rebuild such a community, we need to go beyond the logic of retaliation and learn to overcome evil with good. We have a responsibility towards future generations and the world which we leave for them.
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