Chaadaev about the National Consciousness: from Dialogues with the Supreme Power Towards Public Discussions
National consciousness, Westernisers, Slavophiles, Sobesednik, Sovremennik, dialogues, public space and public opinion, Peter Chaadaev as sacred victim and destroyerAbstract
Peter Chaadaev is an ambivalent figure. The significance of his ideas was, in a certain extent, exaggerated and misunderstood both in Russian philosophy and social science. The value of Chaadaev ideas is not that he is a pioneer in raising the question of national identity in the historical and religious planes. But he has moved the discussion of the existing problem into the new register, to the level of public discussion. Chaadaev began to looked like a sacred victim which should be “destroyed”, albeit symbolically, to “rescue” the supreme power from the revolutionary upheavals that shook Europe.References
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