Peter Chaadaev and Vladimir Pecherin: Two Flights from the Native Land
creativity, opposition, dissidence, problem of madness, dialogue with the authorities, uncompromisingAbstract
Peter Chaadaev (1794–1856) and Vladimir Pecherin (1807–1885), two leading intellectuals of their time, paved the ground for two paths of dissident thought in Russia, the psychiatric ward and emigration. While Onegin’s prototype Chaadaev later becomes a symbol of Pushkin’s era, Pecherin represents the era of Lermontov with its despair, scepticism and sense of inevitabiltiy. Pecherin not only gave his name to the Hero of our time but also some of his character traits. Remarkably, Pecherin remains abroad in 1836, the same year when the Philosophical Letters are published. But if for Chaadaev, the West is an “intellectual Mecca”, for Pecherin it is a place of service. It is here that he gained his reputation as an orator and preacher. Chaadaev never tested ways of knowing the world from within, while Pecherin devoted his life to it. Even his pseudonym, Fussgaenger (literally, the Pedestrian, or Wanderer), reflected his choice to give his ideas practical meaning.References
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