Credibility as a Moral Virtue?
human person, credibility, truthfulness, virtue, justice, formal speechAbstract
The aim of this article is to discuss the moral aspect credibility of the human person. The author proposes to link credibility with truthfulness, which is a feature of formal speech, when it is in agreement with the “transference of the thought of the speaking person.” Truthfulness is a constant and perpetual readiness of the will to render to every man the truth that is due him. The credibility of the human person is the result of truthfulness, meaning that he is someone who is trustworthy (authority) with accessto the truth in any field. Due to the good of the human person, it is necessary not only to be truthful, but also to skillfully use this truthfulness to become credible. Credibility is the virtue of human practical reason that allows the person use his own truthfulness so he can be a trustworthy person. For this reason the author calls it prudent truthfulness.
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