Experience Before Experience: Faith as a Condition of Knowledge. Around the Thoughts of Semyon L. Frank and Abraham J. Heschel
faith, knowledge, experience, Siemion L. Frank, Abraham J. Heschel, philosophy of religion, philosophy of a man, mystery, trust, hope, existenceAbstract
The concepts of Siemion L. Frank and Abraham J. Heschel, despite differences, are convergent as far as Russian and Jewish religious philosophies of nineteenth and twentieth century converge with each other. The goal of the text is to both extract and indicate the differences and similarities, as well as, above all, to try to undertake in their company a reflection upon the question of faith. It turns out as a category both specific and fundamental for the human situation in the world. Being far more than adopting a dogma, it appears to be an insight into inconceivable, yet self-evident reality that establish the experience (Frank), an openness to the reality of the ineffable which is inaccessible to the senses or reason (Heschel). As an inner strength of existence which gives rise to a deeper and fuller cognition, it is connected at the same time with categories relevant to human experience, such as: reason, mystery, darkness and light, hearing and seeing, the past and the future, trust – all of which the article, considering the broader context of philosophical and religious thought, tries to emphasize and describe.References
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