Eugenics in propositions of legalization of reproductive rights
Julian Savulescu, eugenics, eugenic selection, feminism, reproductive rightsAbstract
The paper reveals different efforts of population and birth control movements engaged for years in legalization so-called rights of reproductive health. This kinds of rights owned by parents would force physician by using prenatal diagnostic tests to check on unborn, ill children to eliminate them through institutional, eugenic abortion.
The article also presents recent projects to enlarge prenatal, eugenic selection. These are spread by utilitarian bioethicist who advised parents to do prenatal selection, genetic manipulation and abortion to produce best children. These recommendation for parents they treat not as immoral but as a Procreative Beneficence and moral obligation. According to them parents are morally obliged to project their best children and in the realization of Procreative Beneficence should have rights to eliminate those children who cannot fulfill their expectations.
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