The Positive Implications of Fryderyk Nietzsche’s Thought for Post Mortem Dei Christianity. An Attempt to Analyze
Nietzsche, Christianity, death, God, nightAbstract
The article examines whether Nietzsche – who was against the Christianity he saw – is just as far from the heart of Christianity and the Gospel faith? And whether his concepts can be helpful for a man seeking God’s footsteps in post mortem Dei time? Analysis the works of Nietzsche will be helpful when trying to answer the these questions.
In conclusion the article will show that restless, open, courageous and still breaking the usual patterns Nietzsche’s thinking which is not afraid of the night, it may become a trail in search of the God, which can not be grasped in the concepts. And it can be a stream purifying Christianity, directing it back to the Gospel sources. And Nietzsche’s thoughts can be helpful for Christians too, to they reflect on their faith.
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