Rationality or reasonableness: an attempt at changing the paradigm of philosophical cognition of God – thought of Xavier Zubiri





person, personality, power of the real, experience


The majority of the philosophical proves of the existence of God or other philosophical attempts of talking about Him try to meet standards of rationality only. In this way they reach mostly a philosophical notion of God which rules out a religious relationship to Him. Zubiri is trying to present a philosophical way which leads to a notion of God, who can be at the same time a God of philosophy and of religion. But this means overcoming rationality with reasonableness. Reasonable means compatible with human life.

Author Biography

  • Rafał S. Niziński

    Rafał S. Niziński – Ph. D., an Assistant Professor at the Unit of Christian Philosophy at AMU. He specialises in the philosophy of religion, and so by extension also in metaphysics and epistemology. His studies have so far encompassed: Martin Heidegger’s meta physics, Charles Hartshorne’s philosophy of God, Karl Barth’s theology – the problem of rationality of faith, Xavier Zubiri’s philosophy of God (the present field of study), Carmelite mysticism as represented by Saint John of the Cross and Saint Teresa of Avila, as well as philosophy of mysticism. He has published several books, papers and studies under his own editorship.


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