Robert Spaemann’s an attempt to restore the teleological thinking in modern philosophy
teleology, bonum diffusivum sui, participation, nominalism, naturalism, transcendentalism, anthropomorphism, reality, possibility, self-preservation, self-transcendenceAbstract
The paper is reconstructing the process of elimination of teleology in philosophical thinking. It shows theoretical source of this process and its catastrophic practical effects. In the end of Middle Ages, St. Thomas’ genies synthesis of Aristotle’s teleology of being with Christian teaching of creation of the world, was contested by nominalists theologian. This process of destruction was continued by modern and contemporary philosophy. Today is easy to see the theoretical contradiction in this thinking and practical disastrous effects on natural and human environment. The restoring of teleological thinking in philosophy, give us possibility to define boundary line, measure, criterions and norms for human activity, to take proper care for nature, for living creatures and for human being himself.
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