The concept of an embodied subject in Calvin O. Schrag philosophy
embodied subject, existence, experiences, self, narration, discourseAbstract
In this article will be presented the concept of an embodied subject in Calvin O. Schrag thought. The most obscure question in the philosopher’ s concept is how the subject exists. It is truly complicated issue. We get the impression sometimes that it is existence, which is stretched between different discourses, is ephemeral; such that he cannot in any way be assigned real existence. Perhaps he could be attributed an intentional existence, that is, existence which is sustained by the occurring acts of consciousness. In this article, we will try to capture the fundamental differences and relationships between the self, I and the subject. The American thinker considers that the subject is always embodied and in the act of action his corporeality is revealed. The embodiment self is not only “costume” but part of being the I. The subject in Schrag’s understanding is always the one who experiences and builds the world around him on the basis of this experience.
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