A Cyclical and Linear Picture of History in the Historiosophy of the 20th Century Based on the Ideas of Oswald Spegler and Francis Fukuyama
philosophy of history, historiosophy, linearity, cyclicality, cultureAbstract
This article presents two historiosophical models present in the philosophy of history in 20th century. The first one, assuming the cyclical nature of history, was presented on the basis of Oswald Spengler’s The Decline of the West. The second, linear, was the foundation of the philosophy of history contained in The End of History and the Last Man by Francis Fukuyama. In this context, issues of progress and regression, the irreversibility of the historical process as well as historical determinism were raised. In the summary, the Author draws attention to the way in which the choice of a specific concept of history: linear or cyclical, corresponds with the criticism or affirmation of the existing socio-political order. At the same time, the question is raised concerning the meaning of the term “culture” as the subject of history characteristic of the historiosophy of the twentieth century.
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