“Ethics” versus “morality” – an analysis of the change of terms in the typescripts of Karol Wojtyla’s habilitation thesis
Karol Wojtyla, habilitation, morality, ethics, philosophical terminology, archival materialsAbstract
The article presented here is aimed at introducing the terminological change (“ethics” – “morality”) in the archival versions of Karol Wojtyla’s habilitation thesis. In addition to the mere juxtaposition and indication of the principle of the terminological division as given expressis verbis by Wojtyla, an in-depth analysis of these changes is presented, the results of which indicate a much bigger semantic and definitional differentiation of the two terms than would be apparent from the information from Wojtyla himself. The text is of a pioneering nature, and the proposal presented herein for the division of changes is intended as a preliminary sketch of the direction of further research and in no way claims exclusivity or finality.
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