Reflections on violence
violence, embodied subject, justification of violence, politics, war, non-violent actionsAbstract
In the article the author addresses the problem of violence. This is a broad issue that arises in many contexts. The author starts by identifying the key elements of violence. Following B. Waldenfels, the violence is understood as an "in-between" phenomenon. Its important feature is that we experience it as a wound. This directly refers to the human condition, both physical and mental, which is susceptible to injury. Violence affects people in many different ways. Then the author analyzes the controversial problem of justifying violence to move on to the issue of violence and politics. The most striking manifestation of violence in politics is war. The author considers the problem of violence and war in confrontation with two ethical positions: non-violent action represented by Buddhism and the Christian ethic of love. In conclusion, he adopts the position that since violence cannot be completely eliminated, there is constant action to reduce its presence in the world.
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