Agon of interpretation. The role of struggle and competition in Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutics in relation to Friedrich Nietzsche’s “Homer’s Contest”
Hans-Georg Gadamer, Friedrich Nietzsche, philosophical hermeneutics, agon, rivalry, educationAbstract
The article discusses the role of struggle and rivalry (agon) in the philosophical hermeneutics of Hans-Georg Gadamer. The german philosopher identified the Greek ideal of education as one of the important sources of his concept. Analysing selected aspects of Plato’s pedagogy and the relationship between rhetoric and sophistry, he clearly acknowledges the value of struggle, provided that it is a self-improving struggle with oneself or a struggle for truth and goodness. He thus proposes alternative to Nietzsche’s model, offering a dialogical model of hermeneutics. Nietzsche sees rivalry as the main culture-forming factor of the ancient world. Ultimately, Gadamer, in his analysis of Hegel’s categories of domination and slavery, rejects struggle as the cause of a possible misinterpretation.
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