Wiara w życiu i postawie moralnej człowieka w świetle encykliki Lumen fidei papieża Franciszka


  • Marek Kluz Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Słowa kluczowe:

wiara, objawienie, Chrystus, Kościół, życie moralne, ufność


Faith is one of fundamental attitudes in man’s life. Thus, authentic faith cannot be separated in any way from man’s ethos understood as all his moral actions and attitudes. It cannot be isolated as well from an accepted hierarchy of moral values and one’s own vision as a man. Pope Francis’ encyclical Lumen fidei clearly speaks about the value of faith. For the pope faith is a personal meeting with God as Person. It gives the right meaning of human life and it determines a significant scale of values. On its deepest level, faith is an important element having an influence on the whole moral life. It transforms the hearts of men shaping the community of the Church and thus it becomes a school of true Christian moral life labelled with man’s attitudes and behaviour. Only such a faith, nurtured from childhood in the family can become the centre of man’s existence and can affect the life reaching a high moral level.




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