Poverty according to St Bonaventure of Bagnoregio in the "Postilla super Lucam"


  • Aleksander Horowski Istituto Storico dei Cappuccini, Roma




Medieval exegesis, Gospel of Lucas, Evangelical Poverty, Bonaventure of Bagnoregio (Saint)


The Postilla super Lucam of St Bonaventure contains numerous considerations on poverty as it views the subject from different angles: from the concrete examples of poverty lived by Jesus and Mary, to the poverty understood as the distinct mark of the Gospel preachers which makes credible their action, to the poverty as evangelical beatitude or as the evangelical counsel and the way for following Christ in perfect manner. Right through the article comparison is attempted with the Postil of Hugo di Saint-Cher, those inedited ones of John of La Rochelle (Sarnano, Biblioteca Comunale, ms. E.91), and Alexander of Hales (Assisi, Sacro Convento, Fondo Antico Comunale, ms. 355). The research carried out shows that Bonaventure’s frequent and explicit reference to the figure of St Francis of Assisi and the Franciscan charism as inspirational source of biblical interpretation makes him distinct from his contemporaries.


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