As Poor yet Making Many Rich (2 Cor 6, 10). The Poverty of Christ and His Believers in the Teaching of St. Paul


  • Danuta Piekarz Uniwersytet Jagielloński



Paul, poverty, richness, believers, collection


In a traditional collection of The Epistles of Paul only the First Epistle of Paul to Timothy contains typical hints concerning the evangelic attitude towards material goods. In Proto-Pauline letters the Apostle’s thought is developed in a different direction: it is Christ’s humility and emptying himself which is the model for the believers and the starting point. It was through adopting human nature that Christ granted us life in God. Following this example Paul also “deprived himself of everything” to make “space” for Christ in his life and to let Christ act through him. Following the example of Christ-Servant Paul also considers himself a servant, not only of his Lord but also a servant of his brothers in faith entrusted to him. He encourages them to care about one another and to share responsibility, reminding them that all people, especially the weakest, are members of Christ Mystical Body. Even the poorest member of community is of invaluable worth since Christ shed His blood for him. The Apostle organizes collection of donations among communities at Aegean Sea for poor believers in Jerusalem, which is a clear indication of his care about the good and unity of all Church. Paul wishes the faithful to treat giving donations not as a painful sacrifice but as taking part in grace, as a proof of thankfulness towards God, who cannot be surpassed when it comes to generosity.


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