Shaping the Attitude Towards Other Religions During Catechesis/Religious Education – the Challenge of the Present Times


  • Leonard Fic Uniwersytet kard. Stefana Wyszyńskiego



religious education, catechesis, pedagogy of dialogue, communication


Christians live in an increasingly open world. The widespread availability of media, tourism, and new migration movements taken together favour Christians’ contacts with followers of other religions. The need for education to understand and communicate with other religions is more necessary now than ever before in Catholic education. The most important task of religious pedagogy is to teach catechesis/religious education in the spirit of the declaration Nostra aetate. Such education should shape a young person’s attitude of openness and respect towards representatives of other religions, as well as towards non-believers. Educating to communicate with others also requires the preservation of religious authenticity, not renouncing it. The dialogue/the communication is the desire to recognize others in their own way. Forming authentic attitude towards other religions representatives among young Catholics requires from Catholic teachers to know other religions and it requires some intellectual effort which serves to present other religions in an objective way. The didactic effort to support the acceptance of one’s own religiosity should also be made along with it.


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