Mercy as an Important Theme in the Gospel according to Saint Luke


  • Piotr Blajer Franciszkańskie Studium Biblijne w Jerozolimie



parables of mercy, the prodigal son, mercy, the Gospel of Luke


The Gospel of Luke is the only one of its kind. It is the only gospel that has its continuation in the Acts of the Apostles. Anyone who approaches the Gospel of Luke can find in it something for himself. For example, it is worth noting that the prologue was written in classical Greek style, and the first two chapters presenting the childhood of Jesus, resemble the style and form of books of the Old Testament. The Gospel of Luke is exceptional not only from literary point of view but also thematically. The third evangelist shows that Jesus came into the world to save all. He does it by revealing the infinite mercy of God, which bends over everybody who needs assistance regardless of his status. At the center of this message there are the three parables of mercy in Chapter 15. Those parables are Jesus’ response to the criticism of the Pharisees and scribes who look down at Jesus who meets and eats with those needing God’s mercy.

Author Biography

  • Piotr Blajer, Franciszkańskie Studium Biblijne w Jerozolimie

    Piotr Blajer OFM (ORCID: 0000-0001-8835-9357) – prof. Nowego Testamentu i biblijnej greki. Absolwent, a następnie wykładowca na Wydziale Nauk Biblijnych i Archeologii w Jerozolimie (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum). Studia doktoranckie kontynuował na Catholic University of America w Washington, DC, które uwieńczył w 2012 roku. Specjalizuje się w Ewangelii Łukasza i Dziejach Apostolskich. Adres do korespondencji: Via Dolorosa P.O.Box 19424, 9119301 Jerusalem. E-mail:


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