Discernment of God’s Will according to St. Ignatius Loyola
spiritual discernment, God’s will, St. Ignatius Loyola, Spiritual ExercisesAbstract
Discernment of God’s will and its fulfillment consist one of the most important tasks of every Christian. God calls His faithful people to discern everything that is pleasing to Him (see Ephesians 5:10). “The gift of discernment has become all the more necessary today” (Pope Francis, Gaudete and exsultate, no. 167). In response to this call of God, the writings of St. Ignatius Loyola can be of great help, especially his Spiritual Exercises.
In this article, I undertake the analysis of the Rules the discernment of spirits and the Rules of making a good and reasonable choice, placing them in the context of the necessary requirements for spiritual discernment and in the framework of the indispensable conditions that must be met. Deeply spiritual, universal, timeless and at the same time very precise and pragmatic instructions of St. Ignatius can serve as an extraordinary help, also for the contemporary Christians, in the process of proper discernment of the concrete will of God and its fulfillment in the power of the Holy Spirit in our everyday life.
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