“Vitis Mystica”. Aspects of the Affective Christology of the Treatise on the Lord’s Passion st. Bonaventure





affective Christology, mystical cognition, Word incarnate and crucified, cross, Divine Heart, uniting love


Based on the analysis of some aspects of the mystery of Christ contained by the Seraphic Doctor in the work of “Vitis Mystica”, it is possible to determine the profile of the Christological discourse. It is clearly mystagogical and mystical, revealing a typically experiential, and therefore affective formula. Divine realities, such as: the incarnation, the passion, the cross or the Sacred Heart of Jesus, are for Bonaventure a kind of „prisons” of love, they are above all open spaces through which God does not let himself be known, but rather met. According to his practical way of understanding all theology, Jesus Christ as Verbum Incarnatum et Crucifixum is and should be the center of man’s spiritual life.


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