Maria “Omnis Sancta” and “Forma of Sanctificationis”. An Outline of Medieval Mariology According to Bonaventure of Bagnoregio




Bonaventure of Bagnoregio, sermons „De Purificatione”, the Solemnity of the Epiphany, Medieval Mariology


In his numerous sermons, Bonaventure proves how deeply Marian piety was rooted in the liturgy of the Church, but also how deeply it should be rooted in Sacred Scripture and in theology. Two sermons deserve special mention. One is the second sermon, De Purificatione, for the feast of the Purification, and another is the second sermon preached on the feast of the Epiphany. These are the first examples of such an unambiguous and at the same time comprehensive approach to the Marian doctrine. From an analysis of these sermons, it is clear that Bonaventure’s main contribution to Mariology is not so much in the direction of doctrinal novelty, but rather in the approach and the method he used, which he remained faithful to in his teaching, whether from the cathedral or the pulpit. The Seraphic Doctor deals primarily with the defense and re-proposal of the truths of faith affirmed and professed by generations of Christians. For him, Mary is the Mother of Truth, and the doctrine concerning her, to be worthy of attention, must be deeply rooted in the theology dealing with the mysteries of her Son.


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