Liturgical Prayer as a School of Formation for the Faithful in the Syro-Malnkara Church Tradition




liturgy, liturgical formation, Syro-Malankara Church, west-syrian tradition, India


The Liturgy of the Church, being the first locus theologicus, is by its nature a space for the formation of the faithful. Both the liturgical texts and all other components of the celebrations should not be only an expression of worship, but also, they have to shape the faithful in both theological and moral dimensions. The article presents the formative role of the liturgy in the tradition of the Syro-Malankara Churches. In the following parts of the study, the reader will get acquainted with the historical outline of the syro-malankara tradition, with the general assumptions of the liturgical formation and with some examples of the formative role of the discussed liturgy.

Author Biography

  • Mateusz Rafał Potoczny, University of Opole, Faculty of Theology

    Ks. Mateusz Rafał Potoczny – dr hab., prof. Uniwersytetu Opolskiego i dziekan Wydziału Teologicznego, pracownik Katedry Teologii Liturgicznej, Homiletyki i Komunikacji Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, liturgista i orientalista.


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