Christ’s expiatory sacrifice for sins (Heb 9:11–28) and the obligation to compensate for wrongs in interpersonal relationships (Lk 19:8; Acts 16:35–39)




blood of goats and calves, Christ’s sacrifice, once for all, expiation, compensation of wrongs


The article consists of two parts, the first is more extensive, while the second is merely a practical addition to it. The core of this study is based on Christ’s sacrifice, which was accomplished once and for all. Its lasting effect is the forgiveness of guilt, access to God and purification of conscience. The author of the Letter to the Hebrews recalls in the first place the Old Testament sacrificial system, which was not capable of achieving its goal, it was not able to accomplish the ontological transformation of man. Only Christ became an effective mediator in this regard. As the testator, he entered heaven with his own blood, made expiation for sins and bestowed an eternal inheritance on the people. In turn, guilts incurred against fellow human beings ‘cry out’ for compensation. For what man could not accomplish in relation to God, he can now put into practice in relation to his neighbours whom he has wounded.


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