Mandatum rite in the 14th century “Ceremoniale et Pontificale Episcoporum” (AKKK, Ms. 11) from the Archives and Library of the Krakow Cathedral Chapter



Słowa kluczowe:

Ceremoniale et Pontificale Episcoporum, AKKK Ms.11, PL-Kk 11, Mandatum, Gregorian Chant, liturgy, Krakow


The study of history and content of medieval liturgical manuscripts can reveal the ways of formation and transmission of liturgy and particular liturgical traditions existing in the Western Church before the Council of Trent. The purpose of this article is to present the formulary of Mandatum rite recorded in the 14th century pontifical Ms.11 located in the Archives of the Krakow Cathedral Chapter, and to attempt to identify its sources. The article provides the edition of the text of the rubrics and orations as well as melodic transcriptions of the chants.


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Florilegium chorale