Basic assumptions of World Youth Day
World Youth Day (WYD), the youth, liturgy, Catholicism, volunteering, testimony, joyAbstract
The main principles of the World Youth Days were formed during the last three pontificates. The idea of this event was born from the pastoral care of John Paul II for the youth. He recognized that youth enthusiasm is simultaneously wonderful means for building unity among different cultures. He had also seen that this pastoral action had to be ecclesiastical, universal and youth has to be the main protagonist in it. Pope Benedict underlining Catholicism and universality emphasized the part of voluntarism, adoration and Sacrament of Reconciliation. Pope Francis emphasized brotherhood, celebration of faith and youth mission in our modern world. World Youth Days are therefore composite unity events but necessary in panorama of today life of the Church.
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Jan Paweł II, Przemówienie do Kurii Rzymskiej z życzeniami bożonarodzeniowymi, 20 grudnia 1985, AAS 78 (1986) 623.
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