Mariavitism in the “Chronicles of the Sandomierz Diocese” from 1908-1915
Mariavites, “Chronicle of the Sandomierz Diocese”, “Chronicle”, Gajkowski, Assembly, editor, ChurchAbstract
In 1906, the Mariavites were expelled from the Church. It happened because of dogmatic errors and insubordination towards bishops. The conflict between Catholics and Mariavites began. The sect gained strength and became dangerous for the clergy and conservative opinion in the Polish Kingdom. In 1908, the Mariavites reached the Diocese of Sandomierz. In the same year, the monthly magazine the "Chronicle of the Sandomierz Diocese" was founded, edited by Jan Gajkowski. Articles criticizing this new religious movement were published there. The authors also argued about the condition of the Catholic clergy. Some of them saw the errors in their own environment. These mistakes were used by Mariavites. However, in the years that followed, the sect began to lose strength. In 1914 and 1915 there were no articles about it. At that time, more articles were written about the war and other social problemsDownloads
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