The Christocentric Perspective of Creation in the New Testament
Jesus Christ, New Testament, theology of creationAbstract
New Testament teaching on the theology of creation underlines the event of Jesus Christ. The New Testament Scriptures describe "God who gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not" (Rom 4:17). The New Testament message presents God's saving action in Jesus Christ, also in the context of the theology of creation. The inter-correlation of creation and salvation history is essential to understanding the message of creation theology, which is actually based on the announcement of the redemption accomplished by Jesus Christ. In other words, reflection on creation flows from reflection on salvation, which is inseparable from the Christ event. Recognizing Christ as the only "beginning and end" of all things directs our gaze toward the promise to redeem creation from all dimensions of evil that affects it today. It is at the same time an invitation to reject all duality. Therefore, one cannot "separate" the order of "nature" and "grace and truth" from each other, however, this does not mean a simple identification of these two orders.
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