Patristic Entrepreneur. The Concept of Entrepreneurial Activity in the Light of the Writings of the Selected Early Christian Writers


  • Łukasz Niepsuj Pontificia Università Della Santa Croce, Roma



Patristic entrepreneur, merchant, entrepreneurship, economy, economic activity


In the richness and diversity of patristic thought we find many references to economic life and entrepreneurial activity. In the early Christian authors, even though this problem did not take the cohesive form of the economics or theological treaties, was familiar with them.
In their writings, these authors present a vast reference to economic problems and economic policy of the society of their day. The Church authors point out to some elements of the entrepreneurship idea and the commercial activity typical for merchants and the rich. They perceive both dangers and advantages coming out of their activity on the market.
They emphasize that the necessity is not the need to reform the economic model of entrepreneurial action which, of his own nature, was strange to them, but the moral and ethical revival of the merchant and the rich person who operate in the structure of this model. The objective is therefore to harmonize natural tendency of the individual to get rich, to increase wealth (private property) and at the same time concern for the personal sanctification and for the common good. The “patristic entrepreneur” should be a man of virtues, who is guided by the principle of reciprocity, solidarity and subsidiarity. Hence, it seems that entrepreneurial dynamism should be characteristic to each Christian believer. As a result, each of them is supposed to possess entrepreneurial spirit; to master investment skills and take risk to make profit. In this spirit and in the light of fight, the human person is enable to accumulate goods, to distribute his material wealth generously, and also, at the same time, to grow spiritually, to lead a virtuous life and, in this way, to transform the economic reality of the market.

Author Biography

  • Łukasz Niepsuj, Pontificia Università Della Santa Croce, Roma
    Ks. Łukasz Niepsuj – kapłan diecezji tarnowskiej. W latach 2008–2014 odbył studia teologiczne na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie, Wydział Teologiczny Sekcja w Tarnowie. W 2015 roku podjął studia licencjacko-doktoranckie na Papieskim Uniwersytecie Świętego Krzyża w Rzymie. W 2017 roku uzyskał tytuł licencjata z teologii moralnej.


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