The Church in the publications of „Gazeta Wyborcza” during the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000


  • Paweł Lewandowski Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II



„Gazeta Wyborcza”, the Church, the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, instruments of social communication


„Gazeta Wyborcza” is considered to be one of the most influential and opinion-generating Polish newspapers. Since its inception, it regularly publishes articles on topics closely related to the Church. During the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 „Gazeta Wyborcza” published 677 texts on the Church, its pastoral leaders and faithful, texts broaching issues of ethics and Christian morality.

In the press material published in „Gazeta Wyborcza” in the Year of the Great Jubilee a vision of a divided and dissented Church, is clearly drawn. The journal editors recognize lack of internal unity among the clergy, as well as between the clergy and the faithful. The editors, while emphasizing the alleged internal division of the Church, point to the need for dialogue with liberal mentality. Hence, the journalists create in the daily paper symbols of this dialogue, which are promoted by them, the so called „soft faces” of the Church.

From the publications of „Gazeta Wyborcza” in the Year of the Great Jubilee a vision of the Church emerges as a kind of sociological and specific political formation. To define this, the journal editors usually use terms such as monarchy, fortress, stronghold, world power, headquarters, department or federation.

„Gazeta Wyborcza” is also known for its ingenuity in finding and vividly describing ecclesiastical sensations. Each revelation from the life of the Church and the people associated with it does not go unnoticed by the journalists and is reflected in numerous press reports, coverages and newspaper columns. It should be added that the „sensational” information often has no reflection in reality. Showing the scandals and sensationalism in the Church is an intentional activity and is designed to ridicule the clergy and to discourage the faithful in regard to the Church.

Author Biography

  • Paweł Lewandowski, Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II
    Magister licencjat teologii, magister licencjat prawa kanonicznego. Doktorant w Katedrze Kościelnego Prawa Publicznego i Konstytucyjnego KUL. Prezbiter diecezji tarnowskiej.


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