Follow the Evidences Wherever They Lead.Conversion of the Famous Atheist – Professor Antony Flew


  • Tomasz Maziarka Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie



Antony Flew, arguments for God’s existence, atheism, conversion, theism


This article presents Antony Flew’ s intellectual journey from atheism to the faith in God. The first part of this article contains criticism of theism which Flew presented in several widely discussed works. The second part refers to three arguments which in the opinion of the philosopher argue for the existence of God. The first of them concerns the existence of the laws of nature and it can be expressed as a question: Where are the laws of nature from? The second is connected with the origin of life: How did life emerge from the dead matter? Finally, the third reason is the existence of the world: Why does the world exist? The theistic point of view, the fruit of the intellectual inquiries, the convert’s words enclose briefly: “I believe that the universe was brought into existence by an infinite Intelligence. I believe that the right of forming intricate structure of the universe is an expression of what scientists refer to as the 'Mind of God'. I believe that the phenomenon of life and its ability to reproduce has its source in God.”

Author Biography

  • Tomasz Maziarka, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

    Ks. Tomasz Maziarka – doktor nauk humanistycznych w zakresie filozofii, sekretarz ks. prof. Michała Hellera, wykładowca na Wydziale Teologicznym Sekcja w Tarnowie UPJPII w Krakowie, członek Centrum Kopernika Badań Interdyscyplinarnych w Krakowie.


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