Community of life and love. Selected aspects from the field: the theology of communion of marriage and family


  • Cezary Smuniewski Akademia Obrony Narodowej



marriage, family, love, education, carnality


Marriage and family seen as a “community of life and love” encourage, from the perspective of today developing theology of communion, to multiple reflection, research and studies. This study treats of only few issues among many which require thorough reflection and analyzes. Issues related with theology of marriage communion and family are in particular referred to the mystery of the Trinity and the Church. The theme: “loneliness of man” in the context of such an event like marriage and family is one of the discussed issues. The whole study is closed by three specific issues which are a kind of tension posed by the contemporary world and with whom mankind must inevitably confront in the practice of human life. A man is created and made able to form relationships in the communion. These issues are: education in the field of emotions, human carnality and “narcissism of partners.”

Author Biography

  • Cezary Smuniewski, Akademia Obrony Narodowej

    Ks. Cezary Smuniewski – habilitował się na Uniwersytecie Papieskim Jana Pawła II w Krakowie w roku 2014 na podstawie monografii Wspólnota łaski. Charytologiczno-trynitarna eklezjogeneza (Kraków 2013). Od 2011 roku wykłada w Akademii Obrony Narodowej w Warszawie w Instytucie Bezpieczeństwa Państwa na Wydziale Bezpieczeństwa Narodowego. Prowadzi obecnie badania nad chrześcijaństwem w bezpieczeństwie narodowym i europejskim oraz z zakresu walki cywilizacji.


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