Analisi e rappresentazione cartografica delle spartizioni polacche nella manualistica scolastica e storiografia comunista e postcomunista


  • Mirela Marta Banach Università di Roma “La Sapienza”


Słowa kluczowe:

rozbiory Polski, kartografia, historiografia, historia, transkrypcje szkolne, transformacja, komunizm, postkomunizm, Bar (konfederacja), Targowica (konfederacja), Kościuszko (powstanie)


Analysis and cartographic representation of the Polish Partitions in school manuals and the communist and post-communist historiography
The overall purpose of this comparative study is to analyze the substantial differences that emerge in the treatment of the Polish Partitions by the Marxist school manual in its various editions of the same content, with respect to the 1991 text of “transition” – in perpetuated oscillation between the will to fill the void of the historical inattention overcome in the aftermath of the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the inability to fill it up – and that of the “Nowa Era” history manual – one of the most widely adopted by secondary schools in Poland – that encapsulates the contributions of new historiography by turning on the spotlight on unprecedented interpretative evaluations. The non-unitarity of the historiographic analysis of the matter in question is further confirmed by the analysis of the map sources of the respective manuals, revealing the partial nature of the cartographic document whose deliberate deformations lead to  merely ideological denotations.


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