Victory more severe than defeat. Participation of Viennese 13th Landwher Infantry Division in the battle of Limanowa and Łapanów
World War I, Eastern Front, Galicia, Carpathians, battle of Limanowa and Łapanów, Austro-Hungarian Army, LandwehrAbstract
Viennese 13th Landwehr Infantry Division was one of the Austro-Hungarian divisions involved in the battle of Limanowa and Łapanów (December 1914). It consisted mostly of Austrian Germans and soldiers from Moravia. The division operated on the sector of the front, where toughest battles were fought. It attacked on Góra Świętego Jana and took part in the battle on the massif of Kobyła, and one of its regiments was also involved in the unsuccessful attack on Czyżyczka hill. The division was incomplete, with about 25% of its full strength, when it started to participate in the combat. It had not been able to top up the losses suffered in the previous battles.
Participation in the victorious 10-day battle, resulted in a loss of 77% of the divisional infantry strenght. It was the highest percentage of losses among the Central Powers’ units in the battle of Limanowa and Łapanów. Despite that, the division retained its structures, technical units, rear and artillery which allowed to rebuild its combat potential in a short time.
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