Acedia and lype in the writings of Evagrius Ponticus. Ontological theo-anthropology
acedia, lype, ontological theo-anthropology, existential axiology, being oneselfAbstract
The article examines the problem of the relationship between the two phenomena of the Evagrian theo-anthropology: acedia (listlessness) and lype (sadness). The problem is considered from the perspective of ontological anthropology (a human being is being studied from the side of possibilities and obligations of being oneself). The purpose of the analysis is to demonstrate and explain the differences between acedia and lype in terms of their anthropological justification. This goal is attained through the concepts of existential axiology. The article seeks to demonstrate that acedia and lype point in the human being to two different dimensions: acedia distorts in the existence the sphere of the attitude towards basic values; lype distorts in the existence the sphere of attitudes towards positive values, the realization of which signifies a fulfillment of existence.
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