Antidemonic character of the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick
the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, suffering, illness, death, SatanAbstract
The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a meeting with Christ – a physician of the soul and body, who in his Church continues to spread the kingdom of God in the world, raising the sick from the misery of sin and despair. It shows that through his Paschal Mystery, the Son of God gave suffering, illness and death a new meaning, thanks to which a suffering person can join in the work of the salvation of the world, having in perspective a vision of a glorious resurrection together with Christ. This sacrament gives man the opportunity to contribute to the growth of the Church, to his own perfection and to give glory to God, and above all gives the grace of the Holy Spirit, which strengthens faith, hope and love against the evil spirit, trying to attack in the most critical moments of life, which are severe illness and impending death. In this way, the sacrament clearly has an anti-demonic dimension in all these aspects.
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