Daniel Dennett’s naturalistic-ideological vision of religion – a few comments related to methodology and the meaning of concepts
Dennett, naturalism, evolution, Absolute, religionAbstract
Modern times abound with various theories about religion. This trend can also be found in the thoughts of the American philosopher and cognitive scientist Daniel Dennett. Based on his own version of evolutionism, he tries to introduce the reader to the theory that religion is a natural and vanishing phenomenon. Unfortunately, the foundations of his theory are not free from serious flaws. Moreover, he does not understand the content behind the classic terms like “God” and “religion”, which means that in his philosophy there is a strong tendency to “deify” and “absolutize” concepts such as “evolution” and “nature”. It can therefore be concluded that although he rejects the traditional understanding of religion, religious tendencies are still present in his divagations, and he is, above all, a man of a certain “faith and trust”.
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